The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology ( IPST )

Scope of work

Curriculum and Learning Environment

IPST specifies learning standards and indicators for science, mathematics, technology and information technology design in accordance with the core basic education curriculum.

Professional Development

To raise the quality of science, mathematics and technology learning, IPST develops standard teacher training curriculum and organizes nation-wide teacher training applying different methods from face-to-face to distant training via satellite. In cooperate with the Distance Learning Foundation and the Educational TV, IPST conducts distant training via satellite and the Internet. Collaboration with networks abroad has benefited IPST in its attempt to create a cadre of master trainers and academic mentors to assist and exchange knowledge with teachers. IPST also organizes symposia in cooperation with various educational institutions.

Media and Equipment

Development of textbooks, teacher's guides, teacher training materials, teaching kits, supplementary materials, and digital media such as CD-ROMs, e-books, learning objects, posters, games, learning-teaching illustrations, videos and scientific laboratory equipment prototypes is a part of IPST's regular activities.

Learning Standards

IPST is entrusted with standard setting. Therefore, IPST specifies teaching-learning standards, develops assessment and evaluation instruments and manuals such as learning achievement tests, learning deficiency analysis instrument, efficiency assessment form, thinking capability measurement test, scientific mind and metacognition measurement instruments. In addition, IPST has developed efficiency assessment instruments for primary and lower secondary science and mathematics teachers and has trained science and mathematics teachers to use the instrument and the evaluation techniques.
These standards and instruments are used by agencies concerned such as the National Institute of Educational Testing Service (NIETS) and the Bureau of Educational Testing.

Educational Research

Through international cooperation, IPST has organized research on curriculum, use of materials and equipment, and school learning environment. At international level, IPST participates in international science, mathematics and technology education research projects such as the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), and the Teacher Education Development Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M).

Promotion of Excellence

IPST supports capacity buildings for talented mathematics, science and technology students and teachers by selecting the best among them to participate in projects such as the National and International Mathematics and Science Olympiads, the Development and Promotion of Science and Technology Talents, the Outstanding Science and Mathematics Teacher Production Promotion Project, the Development of Science and Mathematics Excellence, and the Special Science Classroom Project.

Scientific Literacy

In addition to in-school science, mathematics and technology education, IPST – as a science education institute – assumes the responsibility for raising scientific literacy of Thai public through implementation of various activities such as science exhibition, science film festival, and radio and TV science programs.

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